Special guest today in Sassari at the 73rd Cavalcata Sarda. Hollywood actor and director Stanley Tucci was spotted near the authorities' stand in Piazza d'Italia.

Behind a barrier, a beer in one hand and a sandwich in the other , the artist famous for his performances in "The Devil Wears Prada" and "The Lovely Bones", for which he received an Oscar nomination, converses in English with some people. The scene was immortalized by Daniele Tedde.

The 64-year-old is no stranger to Sardinian shores, having also recorded an episode of one of his documentary series on Sardinia. The artist made several stops in the work, between Cagliari and Sassari, where he tasted the typical culinary specialties including, recently, also “Su sambeneddu” in Monte Corrasi.

A gastronomic foray that will be part of the work "The heart of Italy" by the Italian-American actor, who is also passionate about cooking, as he frequently demonstrates on his social channels.

This time, however, it was in Sassari and we will see if the beauties of the Turritan capital will become part of a new broadcast.

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