The honey buzzard rescued in recent days in Pedralonga has started to soar again in the blue Ogliastra sky. He had been found in difficulty by a citizen near the spire. The bird of prey, a typical migratory species, probably worn out by a long journey, exhausted and without strength, was no longer able to fly and was floating in the sea, suffering constant attacks from seagulls.

The falcon in difficulty, destined for certain death, was noticed by a citizen who recovered it and handed it over to the agents of the naval base of the Arbatax Forestry Corps. The magnificent specimen of honey buzzard was transferred to the veterinary clinic of Dr. Angela Scattu in charge of the care of wildlife. After two days of care and rest necessary to regain strength, the falcon was freed by the same Forestry Corps agents near the same area where it was found. Here he took flight again and found his freedom.

«The Forestry Corps is constantly at the forefront in the protection and defense of wild fauna and nature in general, even during the firefighting period which, although a priority for the planning and programming of activities, sees the Corps always active in all matters» commented the director of the Lanusei Forestry Inspectorate Service, Giovanni Monaci.

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