Bartolazzi makes a surprise visit to Businco but does not meet the workers and the union .

As far as we know, the inspection by the councilor, accompanied by the Health Director, was aimed at verifying the conditions of the operating rooms .

"We appreciate this assumption of responsibility, but it is unacceptable that the visit took place without communicating with the workers and the union, effectively preventing a discussion and leaving open questions about the conclusions reached", says Gianfranco Angioni, regional representative of Usb Sanità .
A harsh attack from Angioni, who denounces « the inadequacy of an institutional figure so crucial in the management of a fundamental service such as that of the Businco Oncology Hospital ». The renovation work on the operating rooms « cannot be considered as a simple remodeling, we are talking about the lives of fragile cancer patients ». And the transfer of the rooms to San Michele, scheduled for early January, « is disconcerting and outrageous » .

A "superficial" and "totally unacceptable" approach towards patients, is the unionist's attack, who reiterates the need to strengthen the medical, nursing and support staff. "It is scandalous to continue to make promises of improvements while fundamental needs are systematically ignored."

The USB also announced that it has requested access to the documents relating to the project for the new operating rooms, funded with 9 million by the PNRR. "It is necessary to obtain clarity in the management and use of these funds", it underlines, reiterating the request to use during the works "alternative spaces within the Businco, so that patients are not abandoned to an uncertain fate" .

(Online Union)

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