A full-blown attack that took place in a bar in Sant'Antioco for which two people , both local, were reported and have now been reached by a provision from Daspo, a ban on access to urban areas, signed by the police commissioner of Cagliari.

The episode was staged on January 9th. A 62-year-old entered the club and threatened, for futile reasons, a customer sitting at the table, his colleague. A 30-year-old man arrived shortly after and slapped the victim hard on the ear . The older man held the victim by the wrists , thus preventing him from taking his cell phone out of his jacket to call for help.

The dispute had been interrupted by the owner of the bar.

The measure adopted by the questore, considering that the fact occurred at a time when several patrons were present in the venue who - despite themselves - witnessed the scene of violence which represents serious damage to public safety and tranquillity, forbids the 62-year-old and 30-year-old to access - for one year - all public businesses and public entertainment venues in the Municipality of Sant'Antioco, as well as parking in the immediate vicinity.


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