The heat dries up the water supplies in the tanks. Because in fact, in Arzana, with the high temperatures, consumption doubled and the Municipality had to run for cover by turning off the taps prematurely.

If in normal times the community consumed an average of 552 cubic meters of water per day (about 240 liters per capita), in the last week and a half the consumption compared to the average has shot up and today is equal to almost 1,000 cubic meters per day. In addition, in recent days, again due to the heat, there have been sudden changes in energy voltage which have caused failures in the active water pumps in Su Pradu. All this has caused a sharp reduction in water supplies in the accumulation tanks. Inconveniences which, added to consumption that has almost doubled compared to the average daily consumption, have forced the institution to ration the supply of water.

The mayor, Angelo Stochino, launches an appeal to the population, which has increased in recent weeks with the return of several emigrants and groups of tourists: «As administrators we appeal to all citizens for a conscious consumption of water, aware that wetting the garden or the paving stones and the streets around the house several times can give moments of relief and refreshment, but it is certainly not a rational use of the water resource which is increasingly becoming a very important primary good and in any case today not acceptable if we do not want to ration water for the 'whole population'. Today the water was closed at 20.30 and will be supplied again tomorrow at 6.30.

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