She broke her arm on December 31st, the limb was immobilized but she is still awaiting an operation and at the moment there is no certain date : "There are no anesthesiologists". Susanna Dentis, 60 years old from Iglesias, tells one of the stories related to the critical issues of public health care.

“I fell on New Year's Eve. Knowing that the first intervention point of the Iglesias CTO does not work during the holidays, I preferred to have my husband bandage his arm and wait for the following Monday for the necessary checks - he explains - they found the olecranon broken. The orthopedics doctors were exceptional and if it had been up to them, they would have operated on me right away ». The anesthesiologists present were in those hours engaged in the emergency-urgency activities guaranteed to the Sirai of Carbonia.

Rita Melis, contact person for the Sulcis Iglesiente of the association "Sardinian network in defense of public health" denounces that " more and more people are being sent home while waiting for an intervention to be programmed - she explains - the situation is at the limit and constantly worsening . Something at an organizational level is not working».

For some time - recalls Gino Cadeddu, president of the company union of the ASL Sulcis - «there has been an interruption of the surgical activities scheduled at the CTO: in Surgery and Orthopedics there has been no surgery for a month. You can't go on like this ; at the CTO of Iglesias the scheduled surgical activity is suspended to allow for the movement of those personnel who must guarantee coverage of the emergency service at the Sirai of Carbonia. Between the two hospitals there are at least nine anesthesiologists missing and in the whole Region they are few and badly distributed due to a regional law to be reviewed ».


All the details on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands in Adriano Secci's article

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