From January to December 2024, the two 118 operations centers in Cagliari and Sassari, which operate respectively in the territories of southern Sardinia (Cagliari, Carbonia-Iglesias, Oristano, Medio Campidano) and central-northern Sardinia (Sassari, Olbia-Tempio, Nuoro, Ogliastra), have managed a total of 214,574 requests for assistance (122,063 in Cagliari and 92,511 in Sassari).

These are some data that emerge from the Areus balance sheet for the past year. The interventions catalogued with the most serious codes (red color) were 13.5% throughout the Island while the yellow ones represent 58.3%, the green ones 15.7% of the total. Among the requests for help, traumas are the most represented pathologies.

The two centers coordinate the rescue of calls filtered by the Single European Number 112 which geolocalizes the place of the call and activates 118 if the rescue is of a medical nature. The operators evaluate the emergency by assigning a severity code and evaluating the availability of vehicles in the area, they send the most suitable and/or closest vehicle.

Balance also for the helicopter rescue service, active since 2018 years throughout the regional territory. The helicopter service intervened to support the rescue network on tires with 2,135 missions of which 1,509 primary rescue interventions - emergency rescue and 628 secondary interventions for transfers between Spoke hospitals and regional Hubs. There were, however, 43 transfers of patients outside the region.

There were 96 rescue interventions in difficult places in total. Currently, the rescue network of the Regional Emergency and Urgency Company, in addition to the 196 basic stations located throughout Sardinia under an agreement, is also guaranteed through direct management with its own healthcare personnel (doctors and nurses) and Areus vehicles: 24 medical vehicles, 1 medical car in Cagliari and 4 nursing ambulances (Sassari, Cagliari, Macomer, Tortolì).

(Online Union)

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