The vaccination campaign against coronavirus is also starting in Cagliari with online booking of appointments.

The vaccine can be carried out in the clinics of the Hygiene and Public Health Service of the ASL of Cagliari, in the PO Binaghi headquarters in via Guadazzonis in Cagliari, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8.30 to 12.30.

Booking takes place through the web cup online booking system on the regional portal (

Vaccinations are available for everyone, although recommended for specific categories of fragile subjects, and can be carried out in conjunction with the flu vaccination campaign.

According to the ministerial circular from last September, to maximize protection for the 2023-2024 autumn/winter season, vaccination is recommended at least 6 months after the last dose of anti-Covid-19 vaccine received or the last infection.

The Binaghi SISP service will also carry out vaccinations for all healthcare personnel belonging to the ASL company structures.

In addition, the healthcare facilities (hospitals, RSAs, nursing homes, etc.) that take care of fragile patients (kidney patients, heart patients, cancer patients and those with chronic pathologies, etc.) will also take care of vaccinations through the active call.

It will also be possible to get the vaccine in the clinics of your general practitioners and paediatricians of free choice.


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