"Tragic news for the city of Alghero". This is how Don Giampiero Piras comments on the news of the auction sale by the Province of Sassari of the building that houses the headquarters of the Fraternita della Misericordia , in viale Giovanni XXIII, in Alghero.

The governor of the association recalls that the house of Mercy has been there since 1985, built on the demolished ruins of a roadman's house.

"For the construction of the current building, 100 million lire were initially spent - explains Don Giampiero - offered by the engineer Visconti and 160 million paid generously by the Algherese through collections made by volunteers, house by house".

But the Province of Sassari has decided to alienate some properties deemed non-strategic , including the Alghero headquarters of the Misericordia, for an estimated value of around one million euros.

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