Budget approved in second call. The UDC did not appear in the classroom but the 13 votes of the majority were enough for Mayor Conoci to pass the accounting document. «The municipality of Alghero confirms its accounts in order and a decidedly solid balance sheet with concrete growth prospects in the main sectors. A fact that makes us look to the future with great optimism and allows us to invest in the social sector, in sports facilities and in urban quality», commented the mayor following the green light from the municipal council.

«Without false promises and with our feet firmly planted on the ground, we carry out what we say, with concreteness and determination», repeats Conoci.

The accounting document stands at 141 million, with an important endowment (58 million) for public works and another considerable portion (14.5 million) for social work. «It is a solid budget and with the accounts in order - assures the councilor Giovanna Caria - which will allow us among other things to join the so-called Quater scrapping, which will soon be submitted to the attention of the Council but which also gives us the possibility of resort to loans for the eventual construction of public works which at the moment cannot be financed through budgetary resources alone".


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