«We welcome with great satisfaction the effects of raising awareness on the issue of violence against women , promoted with the agenda presented by the president of the health commission Christian Mulas and voted unanimously in the session of the last city council».

In Alghero the UDC council group refers to the anti-violence number 1522 , which has been included in the tax receipts of various commercial activities.

An idea launched by the Crusader Shield party and immediately accepted by the majority and opposition. "The businesses in Alghero are starting to include the number to call when you are in danger in the tax receipt for the sales of various products", they explain from the UDC. "Certainly these are signals that must be combined with timely interventions by the police and also with the certainty of punishment for those who commit crimes against women", continues the council group.

Christian Mulas, meanwhile, also relaunches the " family conflict resolution desk ", "an essential path to address, before there are dangerous drifts, the problems that arise within family units".

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