Alarm in Castiadas for the disappearance of an eighty-year-old, Luciano Luccheddu. The man, who left the house yesterday, has not yet returned there. Today the complaint of the family members who triggered the searches.

The pensioner who lives in Olia Speciosa may have gone out on a bicycle: someone would have seen him in Muravera, but there are no certainties about it.

The Carabinieri of Castiadas and of the Compagnia di San Vito are engaged in research together with voluntary associations, the local police and family members.

The man was searched for a long time throughout the territory: hunts were carried out in the afternoon between Castiadas center, the villages and inland. All useless, no trace was found until late in the evening of the man.

"If anyone spots it or has already heard of it - says Mayor Eugenio Murgioni - please notify us immediately".

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