Five years after the legislation on living wills came into force, in Sardinia only one inhabitant out of 302 filed the Dat, or the advance treatment provisions.

In detail, 3786 DATs have been filed on the island so far, of which 1358 in the province of Cagliari.

In second place is the province of Sassari at an altitude of 1166. In Sulcis there were 629, in the province of Oristano 325, in the Nuoro area 308.

«Only 0.4% of Italians (185,500) - explains the Luca Coscioni association after having collected the data on members - have filed the advance treatment provisions. A void determined primarily by the lack of knowledge of the instrument that came into force exactly five years ago, on January 31, 2018".

To raise awareness of the possibility of leaving one's wills according to the law, the association is also launching an information campaign: a press and social media initiative that will leverage a video narrated by Giobbe Covatta entitled "The biotestament explained to adults" and a animated content created by Simona Angioni and Giovanni di Modica with the creative direction of Avy Candeli, to illustrate the importance of living wills and offer all the information to be able to do so immediately.


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