The intermunicipal oratory of the Christian community of Abbasanta, Ghilarza and Norbello will be created by 2024. This was announced by the parish priest Father Paolo Contini during the celebration of the "Te Deum" which concluded the year, communicating with great satisfaction that the Region has allocated 600 thousand euros for the construction of this important structure.

«It is a concrete response to the needs of children and young people who want to find a place of their own to gather and have fun within our countries. We must be happy - added the parish priest - because the oratory was founded in Abbasanta but is at the service of the three towns". The work will be built in the existing oratory in Via Martin Luther King which will be completely renovated inside, the roof rebuilt and the photovoltaic systems installed. Outside, the five-a-side football and volleyball fields will be built and the lighting will also be installed. The entire technical phase is now underway which will lead to the completion of the work, scheduled for the end of the year.

It is expected that the structure can accommodate no fewer than 600 children and young people, not only those attending catechism but also external students up to the age of 17. «The management of the activities and the responsibility - explains Father Paolo - will be entrusted to the collaborators of the three Parishes who already take care of the little ones, but also extended to new operators who will be adequately trained. In a spirit of collaboration, companies that may request them will also be allowed to use the facilities - highlights the parish priest". The oratory is "designed" as a place for meetings, games and ongoing training to be used all year round and not just in the summer period."

In short, one of Father Paolo's most important objectives is coming to fruition when, on behalf of Archbishop Roberto Carboni, he took on the task of spiritual guide of one of the largest parishes in the diocese with almost 9 thousand inhabitants. «Compared to the beginning when certain things seemed impossible - underlines Father Paolo - several steps forward have been made even if we can always do better. The path is challenging, but I am finding sharing and generosity from many people who are making themselves useful so that this can happen and without whom it would not be possible." Already a few months ago, another significant result had been obtained when the opening Holy Mass of the catechistic year was celebrated for the first time in a united manner in the Church of Santa Caterina in Abbasanta.

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