Shot from the film scored in a jewelry store in the central via Por Santa Maria in Florence .

The criminals went through the sewers to enter the shop and completely raid the valuables that were displayed in the windows , only to escape from the sewers. The safe would not have been opened.

The employees noticed this when they opened the shop this morning at 10 . Apparently there were no signs of forced entry , but raised the shutter the clerk saw the windows cleaned and on the floor an opening leading to the sewers .

The booty would amount to half a million euros . Investigations are conducted by the police.

Last night in reality, according to what we learn, the alarm was sounded , around 21.30. The guards of the private security company to which the system is connected had arrived at the scene, but nothing strange would have been noticed.

To reconstruct in which area of the city the thieves had access to the sewer tunnel which then brought them into the shop, the technicians who will have to assist the police were also consulted .

(Unioneonline / D)

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