There were no signs of violence on the body of Angelo Onorato, found dead last Saturday aboard his Range Rover in Palermo, with a band tied around his neck. This is the first information on the outcome of the autopsy carried out yesterday afternoon at the forensic medicine institute of the Polyclinic but the investigations are at a crucial stage and the investigators urge maximum confidentiality so as not to interfere with the investigation.

The necessary samples were taken for toxicological tests and to establish whether the entrepreneur, husband of MEP Francesca Donato, was under the influence of sedatives or not. But those results will take 90 days.

The case opened by the Prosecutor's Office is for murder, but the suicide trail remains the preferred one for now.

The body was discovered by his wife and daughter Carolina, who, using the GPS signal, reached the car, which was pulled up to the pavement. From the investigations carried out at the site of the discovery and inside the car, we learn that a handprint was found on the roof of the SUV. Experts are trying to verify, through sophisticated analysis, when that footprint was left. Does it date back to the day of the discovery of Onorato's body? Or is it an old imprint and therefore there is no reference to the tragic death of the entrepreneur? And again: does it belong to Onorato or to someone else? And if so to whom? There are other elements being examined by the police, delegated by the Prosecutor's Office to investigate. Like the cable tie found on the ground next to the rear door of the Range Rover, which the police found slightly open upon their arrival. This is the driver's side door, where Onorato was lying on the steering wheel, with his shoes almost off and his glasses positioned on the collar of his shirt. But there is another important element: it would seem that the closure of the band around the entrepreneur's neck is lateral.

Nuccia Albano, councilor in the Schifani council, had reflected on this aspect in detail, appointed by the Onorato family as a party technical expert due to her long experience as a forensic doctor. According to Albano, the position of the closure of the band would be decisive in establishing whether Onorato was killed, as family and friends claim, or committed suicide. For Albano, if it is accepted that the closure was on the side or even behind the neck there would be no doubt: Onorato was murdered. The family has appointed the lawyer Vincenzo Lo Re to follow the investigations and maintains the point: Angelo was killed.


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