"He insisted that I let him in" at home, "but I didn't want to because I was afraid (...) I didn't know what happened to Giulia and what she was capable of".

It is the story of the hours following the murder of Giulia Tramontano , killed in Senago (Milan) in the seventh month of pregnancy by her boyfriend Alessandro Impagnatiello , done by the girl with whom the barman, now in jail, had a parallel relationship.

Saturday last week, after stabbing Giulia, «Alessandro started asking me to meet. (..) His requests were so pressing - added the girl - that a colleague accompanied me home because they too were worried".

The young woman had also met Giulia. There had been an exchange of confidences between the two girls about the harassment and lies told by Impagnatiello to both of them. And the girl had also offered help and hospitality to Giulia , who was afraid of meeting her partner again.


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