A month after the macabre discovery of the body of "Gigi Bici" was arrested Barbara Pasetti, the mother of the child who found him dead in front of the entrance gate of their villa, in the hamlet of Calignano di Cura Carpignano (Pavia).

The woman, 44, a physiotherapist, has always denied having met Luigi Criscuolo, 60, known to all by that nickname for having managed a bicycle resale and maintenance shop in the city for a long time.

The police arrested her on charges of attempted extortion. According to what emerges from the investigations conducted by the mobile team, and coordinated by the Pavia Public Prosecutor's Office, Barbara Pasetti "would have provided a contribution to the concealment of the body - as stated in a note bearing the signature of the prosecutor Fabio Napoleone - and would have tried to draw profit from custody of the same near their home ".

Today, before the arrest, the woman's home was searched: the mobile agents conducted the checks in collaboration with the forensics and with the help of molecular dogs. Some botanical consultants also analyzed the ground where, on the afternoon of December 20, Barbara Pasetti's son found the body of Gigi Bici while playing.

KILLER HUNT - Investigations continue to find the "material perpetrators of the murder". On the case, the Public Prosecutor has opened a file with the hypotheses of murder, kidnapping and concealment of a corpse: "The investigations by the mobile team of the Pavia Police Headquarters - continues the note from the Public Prosecutor - continued to reconstruct the latest movements of Luigi Criscuolo until when, at the end of November, the investigators' objective expanded because a first extortion request was delivered to Criscuolo's family, in which the sum of 390 thousand euros was requested in exchange for the release of one's relative. The first request was then followed by others "who" to date have all been brought back to the suspect then arrested ".

The investigations have never stopped in recent weeks. The police in particular tried to shed light on the reliability of an anonymous letter left, together with the photo of the victim's body, in Barbara Pasetti's mailbox. A letter written on the computer in ungrammatical Italian, in which it is said that Criscuolo had been entrusted with the loot of a robbery carried out years ago in Oltrepò Pavese (300 thousand euros in cash and jewels), which the man would not have returned in the appointment of last November 8 in Calignano.

(Unioneonline / D)

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