Marco Agostini, commander of the Venice local police, harassed at Giorgio Armani's party held last Saturday, one of the many exclusive parties that accompanied the week of the Film Festival and which was held immediately after the "One Night Only" fashion show ”.

The complaint came on social media from the same person concerned, in a post that was later deleted but has now made the rounds on the web: "I had to get to almost 63 years old to understand what a harassed woman feels when her butt is touched" .

Agostini found himself in a crowded parterre full of stars and authorities, at one point the crowd became very dense and they patted his butt: «To interrupt the thing, I chose to quickly move away from the event, always maintaining smile on his lips, and not to make a pitch just out of respect for the uniform I'm wearing, but the temptation was strong".

A harassment that apparently was repeated several times: «The first time I pretended not to notice, I was thinking of a mistake. I also flew over the second one, then another one, and another one. Five in all." He is not sure but is "almost sure" that he has identified the person responsible, "a young boy, a twenty year old".

“I understood what a woman feels when she is harassed, when her butt is groped. I only understood it now and all my solidarity goes to the women," concluded Agostini.y


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