The rider protagonist of the story told by Andrea Bassi - regional councilor of the League and then in the Brothers of Italy, ended up at the center of media attention, he resigned in 2021 as city councilor to return to his job - after ordering a sandwich and chips from a fast food chain, with home delivery . It was Filippo Bazerla who brought him the meal , who had traveled about fifty kilometers there and back . Bassi, once he had received everything, regretted that order, speaking of " exploitation ".

Now the bellboy himself is responding who clarified on Facebook: « I don't feel exploited because it doesn't count the amount of money in my way of being but rather the quality of time in which I live: in a nutshell, if I go to the office and I have to stay 8 hours in silence, to take a 2 hour lunch break, in short, these alienating things and at least sad for me, I refuse. I always have and always will."

The distance was great, he admits, and " if I accepted that assignment, it's because I love my job, I can refuse them if I want ". Moreover, he adds, it was not true, as claimed by some, that one is penalized for refusing. «I also told the commissioner - he continues - that the problem was that there were no other riders apart from me. But I repeat as I refused 3 times I could have done it 4 or 5 ». Speaking of Bassi, he adds: «In any case, if he wanted he could cancel the order, both before and 5 minutes after the contractual offer, but if he had done so after I would have received compensation. But it's better this way, otherwise I'd get to Bussolengo and discover that I'd made the journey for nothing and then it wouldn't have gone well».


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