Large sums of money lying in current accounts, two shareholdings in joint-stock companies and 8 properties between the provinces of Vicenza and Cagliari.

These are the assets seized - for a total value of 320 thousand euros - by the Vicenza Financial Police, during investigations into alleged tax crimes involving two companies based in the Vicenza area.

It is a joint-stock company with headquarters in the municipality of Torrebelvicino and an individual company with headquarters in San Vito di Leguzzano.

In particular, the Fiamme Gialle di Schio reports - an audit was carried out on the Srl, active in the trade and installation of industrial machinery and equipment, after having ascertained that the administrator had destroyed the accounting documentation in order to prevent the reconstruction of the income or the volume of business achieved. However, the financiers managed to quantify an undeclared tax base of around 250 thousand euros.

As regards the individual company of San Vito, the financiers managed to reconstruct, analytically, the compensation received by the suspect, carrying out the activity of "agent for the sale of various products", for a total of over 350,000 euros, "despite the fact that he had never set up any accounting."


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