Fatal accident yesterday evening at km 21 of the Laurentina, in Rome. A Tesla SUV with young people on board, traveling at full speed against traffic, hit a Lancia Y driven by a woman, who lost her life in the crash .

The victim, Simona Cardone , was 67 years old. Two young men aboard the SUV were injured, but their conditions are not serious.

The young driver, twenty years old , was driving a Tesla SUV registered to his father's company based in Pomezia. Subjected to tests, he tested negative for alcohol and drugs, but the first findings of the traffic police put the emphasis on the high speed at which the boy was travelling , who lost control of the vehicle invading the opposite lane where the Lancia Y was arriving .

Some motorists who were passing through the area, shortly before the fatal crash, called the police to report the SUV which was proceeding at full speed against traffic .

A tragedy that recalls the one that happened not long ago in Rome, in Casalpalocco: that of the youtubers who ran over a Smart, killing a 5-year-old boy .

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