During the second written test of the final exam, he was surprised by the commissioners while using his smartphone.

Now the boy, a student of the Vico di Sulmona high school (L'Aquila) who attends the economic-social course, will have to repeat the exam and the fifth year of studies.

In fact, the commission canceled his paper and expelled the young man from the exams. Everything to be redone for him, a hard punch that goes against the trend of what happened in the last few days in other Italian high schools.

Starting with the case of Rovigo, the two students promoted with nine in conduct after shooting their teacher with an air pistol, injuring her.

“There is no compromise on this point. I'm sorry for the boy but the commission could do nothing else», comments Caterina Fantauzzi, the principal of the Sulmona high school where the episode occurred.

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