A firm "no" against wind power and ground-based photovoltaics comes from Rome where the States General promoted by the environmental associations that are part of #CoalizioneArt9 were held.

In just 20 days, almost 500 people signed up, including 90 mayors and local administrators - many also from Sardinia - and 120 committees, cultural and business associations and agricultural companies.

250 delegates were present at the assembly, with representatives of the island at the forefront, attacked in several areas by gigantic wind turbines and endless fields of solar panels . Also present were Coldiretti Lazio with its general director, Sara Paraluppi, and senator Manfredi Potenti of the Environment commission of Palazzo Madama.

The shared point started from a reflection: «Taking advantage of the electoral campaign for the European elections, the time has come to ask all parties for a profound review of the policies for renewable sources, abandoning the expansion projects in the territory of wind farms and ground-mounted photovoltaics in the absence of any planning . We cannot expect to save the planet by damaging the landscape and biodiversity."

Some requests were then reiterated: that photovoltaic panels must be installed only on built-up surfaces, in degraded areas or in reclamation areas, outside of historic centres; that every form of incentive must be canceled and every form of speculation at the expense of local communities must be banned; that energy systems from renewable sources can be installed only and exclusively in the Suitable Areas defined by the Regions, based on guidelines, without producing further land consumption; that pending the identification of suitable areas, new settlements are suspended; that the rules that allow the expropriation of agricultural land for the construction of renewable energy projects be repealed.

Some numbers of the invasion are contained in the manifesto of membership of the States General: «In the last 25 years, Italy has installed, mainly in the regions of Southern Italy, wind towers and photovoltaic panels on agricultural land for a power of approximately 44,500 MW (March 2024: 32 GW of PV and 12.5 GW of wind). Entire areas have been disfigured ." «As early as 2030, the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) plans to raise the installed power to over 100,000 MW according to European objectives. Systems to be renewed every 20 years."

And again: « For at least two years every project under ministerial competence presented has been authorized and, if the Special Superintendency for the PNRR of the Ministry of Culture opposes it, the Council of Ministers will override any veto . In this way, well beyond the PNIEC forecasts, requests for connection to the grid for over 336,380 MW are about to be authorized and placed everywhere in Italy , even in the absence of the structures necessary to transport electricity to the places of consumption. A colossal waste, given that, by law, every kWh produced will be incentivized with subsidies charged to users in their electricity bill, regardless of their actual consumption. Thousands of "wind skyscrapers" over 200 meters high - often higher than the very hills on which they are installed - and enormous lakes of gray mirrors will forever erase the very essence of the landscape as set out in the founding principles of the Constitution, degrading and fragmenting the homogeneity of ecosystems, reducing biodiversity and threatening the survival of the most fragile species, even directly, as verified in the collisions of wind turbines with birds of prey and migratory birds. The plans for an economy that finally benefits - through tourism resources - from the marginalization suffered so far by our lands will be compromised forever ."


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