Five boys stabbed in the night in Milan, all between 15 and 20 years old.

According to reports from 118, which carried out the rescue, four cases have occurred around Piazza Gae Aulenti, one of the places of Milan's nightlife. The first took place at 3.25 am right near the square, with an 18-year-old injured with a stabbed weapon transported in green code to the Fatebenefratelli hospital.

The second one minute later in the nearby via Castiglioni brothers, with a 20-year-old boy seriously injured with a stab and urgently transported, in red code, to the Niguarda hospital. The third at 4.45 am in Corso Como, one of the busiest avenues among young people in Milan and the hinterland, with a 19-year-old who ended up in yellow code at the Policlinico. The fourth in the nearby viale Pasubio, at 5.20 am, when a 15-year-old was injured, transported in yellow code to the San Raffaele hospital.

Before these events, at 1.30 am, a foreign minor, presumably 16 or 17 years old, was also injured in front of the Central Station.

The first investigations by the carabinieri ascertained that, at least for the three most serious episodes, the attackers were in a group, young and, according to the wounded, of North African origin. At the moment, however, there are no elements that suggest a single group of violent people, given that at least in two episodes the stabbings would have started from "discussions for futile reasons", probably also triggered by alcohol, while for a third the context would have been that of a robbery, always by a herd.

(Unioneonline / D)

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