First he had repeated, in front of journalists, that he was ready to tell his truth to the judges , but then, in the interrogation called by surprise yesterday by the Biella prosecutor's office, Emanuele Pozzolo made use of the right not to answer .

The Fratelli d'Italia deputy, accused of accidentally firing a revolver shot during Rosazza's New Year's Eve party which injured Luca Campana, the 31-year-old electrical technician and brother-in-law of a man from Andrea Delmastro's escort, remained silent in front of the prosecutor Teresa Angela Camelio .

A choice that would be linked to a precise defensive strategy , reports la Repubblica reporting the news: not to reveal oneself, because at this moment no examination ordered by the prosecutor's office, from the stub to the ballistics analysis inside the party venue, would be concluded. And therefore speaking now for the suspect - who claimed that he did not shoot during the police interrogations - would mean giving the prosecution an advantage .

According to experts, the Stub test cannot be indicative if it is carried out on just one person. While the ballistics report could confirm the witnesses' versions, but not ascertain who the perpetrator of the shot was. For this reason, Pozzolo remained silent in the end.

The deputy is believed to therefore wait for the delivery of the technical investigations to give his version of the facts and to say who, in his opinion, fired the shot.


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