She had abandoned her newborn son, leaving him in a bag. But now that mother has been declared fit to raise the child who will therefore be taken away from the foster parents.

The story comes from the province of Ragusa and dates back to November 2020. The judges of Catania had declared the child adoptable while the mother, identified shortly afterwards, had been reported for child abandonment, the natural father - who had pretended to find the newborn in front to his shop - he had been convicted.

The woman recognized her son on December 31, 2020 and now wants him back with her. Meanwhile, the adoptability decree was revoked by the Court of Appeal of Catania on the basis of a procedural defect. "By law - explains the mother's lawyer - she had to be informed of the procedure in order to request its suspension and this did not happen." Same problem also found in the Supreme Court.

The judges' decision raised objections from adoptive parents who collected more than 25 thousand signatures against the measure.


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