“It is right that Pope Francis defended Wojtyla from the accusations made through an audio file made public last December 9th. For this reason I decided to deposit that audio to the promoter of justice Alessandro Diddi, last April 11, so that he summoned Marcello Neroni, author of these accusations". Pietro Orlandi writes it on his Facebook profile, after the Pope this morning mentioned John Paul II, called into question by the brother of the missing young woman ( HERE THE NEWS ).

«Certainly it cannot be up to me to say whether this character told the truth or not», continues Emanuela Orlandi's brother, «Diddi accepted my request, together with the others, promising that he would dig deep into every question, including this one» .

«I, much less the lawyer Sgrò», he adds, «have ever accused Wojtyla of anything as some would have us believe. Our only intention is to give justice to my sister Emanuela and get to the truth whatever it is".


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