A flyer with a swastika and, in the center, the CGIL symbol, was left posted in the Atm depot, the Milanese transport company, in San Donato in Milan.

"A very serious act for which we will report to the police what happened so that an investigation can be opened and the perpetrators identified - explain Luca Stanzione and Angelo Piccirillo of Filt Cgil -. A cowardly act that offends not only the CGIL but all the world of work that fought against Nazism and Fascism, paying with the deaths of male and female workers, trade unionists and anti-fascists ".

Even for ATM, which announces that it will file a complaint, this is an "unacceptable" act.

In a press release, Atm "firmly" condemns what has happened and "expresses solidarity with the trade unions and in particular with the CGIL". "What happened - the company underlines - is a serious, unacceptable act, for which the Company will file a complaint. In the meantime, since this morning Atm is already collaborating with the Police to identify responsibilities as soon as possible".

An "ignoble act" that "constitutes a further offense to democracy, to the world of work, to the Milanese tram drivers who participated in the great general strike of March 1944 and who paid for their fierce opposition to the Nazi-fascism ", comments the president of Anpi Milano Roberto Cenati. "The dissolution of organizations that refer to fascism has now become urgent and mandatory - he added -, opposing the principles of our Constitutional Charter. The tools exist: the Scelba and Mancino laws that must finally be applied".

In the next few hours in front of the ATM depot in San Donato, Filt Cgil - Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti together with the RSU will organize a garrison in response to "this unworthy and fascist provocation".

(Unioneonline / D)

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