The protesters of the Green Pass return to the streets, even in Sardinia. And they will do so after the measures adopted by the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese, who, through an ad hoc circular , ordered the ban on marches in "sensitive areas".

But the committees are still organizing and in many cities the challenge to the Covid green certificate will also be staged next Saturday.

In Cagliari the "No green pass" initiative will be organized in Piazza Garibaldi: it was authorized but the prefect Gianfranco Tomao explained that there will be "careful checks" by the police to avoid gatherings or problems.

"As long as the demonstrations take place in an orderly and civil manner, as has happened up to now, they will find in me a firm believer in the freedom to demonstrate: the important thing is to have respect for other citizens", explained Tomao.

As for the other Italian cities, in Gorizia the “No green pass” parade scheduled for Saturday will take place for only 200 meters, from the station to the Parco della Rimembranza.

In Padua, no parades - it is the decision of the Committee - in the historic center, while the mayor Sergio Giordani has signed an ordinance that imposes the obligation of a mask and distancing for the events.

In Trieste the prefect had already banned the concession of piazza Unità d'Italia in recent days.

In Milan, sensitive areas to be closed to the parade will be identified, starting with the so-called "Quadrilatero della moda".

In Rome it is planned to close Piazza del Popolo, to authorize the no pass demonstration at the Circus Maximus.

For their part, the promoters of the protests speak of "illegitimate restrictions". And criticisms of the circular from La Morgese also came from the secretary of the Lega Matteo Salvini ("I would prefer a Minister of the Interior who would prohibit landings") and from the leader of FdI, Giorgia Meloni, according to whom "the right to demonstrating must always be guaranteed: the rules apply to everyone, even when thousands of people gather to demonstrate for the Zan bill ".

(Unioneonline / lf)

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