The grandmother of the newborn found dead last Sunday, with the umbilical cord still attached, in a backpack hidden among the rocks in Villa San Giovanni, in Reggino, was arrested.

The 40-year-old mother of the thirteen-year-old who gave birth to the newborn is accused of infanticide "in conditions of material and moral abandonment". His arrest was ordered by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Reggio Calabria, which is working on the case together with the Public Prosecutor's Office for minors.

The turning point in the investigations which led to the issuance of the order against the woman, who has another minor daughter, came after the autopsy. The examination confirmed that the baby was born alive and that his death occurred later. Magistrates and investigators, with the support of some testimonies, have thus reconstructed the various phases of an affair that took place in an extremely degraded and difficult family context.

According to what has been ascertained, the mother of the thirteen-year-old, after her daughter, who among other things suffers from a cognitive deficit, gave birth, took the newborn and suffocated him . The woman then hid the body in a backpack and took it to the port, hiding it among the rocks. The forty-year-old would have been noticed while hiding the backpack by some witnesses. The images taken by the video surveillance system installed in the area were decisive, allowing us to reconstruct part of the itinerary traveled by the woman. It is not known at the moment whether there are other suspects in the investigation.

Among them, however, there is not the thirteen-year-old's father , who has been living in Tuscany for some years and is therefore not involved in the events. Furthermore, nothing is known about the identity of the baby's father , which, at least for the moment, has not been ascertained. For this purpose, DNA testing was also carried out on the newborn's body. The reasons why the forty-year-old decided to kill the newborn, with or without her daughter's consent, remain to be understood.

While investigations continue, the minor, after being discharged from the hospital to which she was rushed, was transferred to a protected facility .


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