General strike today throughout Italy. Blocking of transport for four hours, while eight for schools, universities, post offices and healthcare.

The clash between the unions and the government is still ongoing: the secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, announced last night that he has started, with the Uil, initiatives to appeal against the injunction signed by the minister Matteo Salvini. The injunction forced the unions to reduce the hours of abstention from work in the transport sector - trams, trains, buses and ferries - from 8 to 4 hours. However, there are no consequences for the airline sector.

Numerous demonstrations have been planned in the squares, including in Cagliari: «We will not stop – underlined Landini – until we have succeeded in changing the economic and social policies». “We strongly support the reasons for the strike and the sacrosanct constitutional right to strike,” said Elly Schlein, secretary of the Democratic Party.


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