Maturity starts on 22 June at 8.30 with the first written test of Italian, which will be prepared on a national basis.

Candidates will be offered seven tracks with three different types: analysis and interpretation of the literary text, analysis and production of an argumentative text, critical reflection of an expository-argumentative nature on topical issues. On 23 June, the second written test will continue, different for each course, which will have as its object only one discipline among those characterizing the course of study. The Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi, signed the ordinances.

On 23 June, the second written test will continue, different for each course, which will have as its object only one discipline among those characterizing the course of study. For example, Latin language and culture for the classical high school, Mathematics for the Scientific, Business Administration for the Technical Institute, Economic sector, "Administration, finance and marketing" specialization, Hygiene and medical-health culture for the Professional Institute, Sector Services, Address "Socio-sanitary services" (in the Ordinance the list for all study areas).

The preparation of the second test this year will be entrusted to the individual institutes, in order to take into account what has actually been carried out, also in consideration of the health emergency. By June 22, the teachers who teach the subject of the second paper, and who are part of the examination committees of each school, will have to elaborate three proposals for tracks. They will do so on the basis of the information contained in the documents prepared by the class councils. Among these proposals will be drawn, on the day of the test, the track that will be carried out by all the classes involved. If in the school there is only one class of a specific course, the three proposals for tracks will be elaborated by the subcommittee, on the basis of the proposals of the teacher who teaches the subject of the second test.

THE INTERVIEW - The interview is then scheduled, which will open with the analysis of a material chosen by the commission (a text, a document, a problem, a project). During the interview, the candidate must demonstrate that he has acquired the contents and methods of the individual disciplines and that he has acquired the skills of Civic Education. He will then analyze, with a short report or a multimedia work, the experiences made in the context of the paths for transversal skills and orientation. The commission will consist of six internal commissioners and an external president.

The final evaluation remains in cents. The academic credit will be awarded up to a maximum of 50 points. As regards the written tests, up to 15 points will be awarded to the Italian test, up to 10 in the second test, up to 25 in the interview. Honors can be obtained.

Participation in the national Invalsi tests, which will also be carried out, and the carrying out of courses for transversal skills and orientation will not constitute a requirement for access to the tests.

For the interview, the possibility of videoconferencing is foreseen for candidates unable to leave their home, a condition that will, in any case, be documented.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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