There are also the 5AS, 5BS, 5AC classes of the Antonio Segni scientific and classical high school in Ozieri among those awarded today at the Quirinale by President Sergio Mattarella on the day of awarding the awards to Alfieri della Repubblica. The institute's classes were given a special plaque "for the testimony of solidarity shown during the Christmas holidays, when they volunteered at the Caritas canteen in Sassari and at the Ottagona Cross in Ozieri".

The reasons for the recognition include the young people's commitment to transform «their discussions on the necessary civil solidarity into a concrete commitment in favor of those who experience situations of economic, psychological and social hardship. This testimony of their service then became a driving force: other peers felt involved and offered their availability as volunteers, acting as spokespersons for the importance of solidarity as an engine of social growth".

“We rarely say the word brotherhood,” Mattarella recalled in his speech. «It is considered by many to have exclusively religious significance, if not a naive illusion of dreaming souls. But is not so. There is no need to have complexes or restraint in pronouncing this word. And in living it. Peace - which we all say we aspire to - is built first and foremost starting from the life of everyone in the days, from the encounter with those close to us, even if the person close to us at that moment is a stranger, who crosses our path by chance ».

The list of new Alfieri 2024

Emanuele Nicola Affaticati , born in 2008, resident in Fiorenzuola D'Arda (PC). He courageously foiled the plan of a man intent on killing his ex-partner . It was thanks to the promptness and civic sense demonstrated that a potentially dramatic epilogue was avoided. Returning from school on a regional train, Emanuele involuntarily heard the phone call from another passenger who, in Romanian, kept repeating that he was headed by his ex-girlfriend to kill her. Knowing the language he notified the police.

Giulia Andreasi Bassi , born in 2005, resident in Rome: she has been able to transform her passion for technology and science into socially useful projects. In particular, it has created a solution to optimize the management of hazardous waste from a sustainable development perspective. In particular, he created a program - also presented in international forums - which uses social media and artificial intelligence to optimize the management and disposal of hazardous waste.

Selim Ayach , born in 2007, resident in Gatteo (FC). Without hesitation, he performed resuscitation maneuvers on a person in cardiac arrest, thus saving his life. For the generosity and dedication with which he participates as a volunteer in the life of the community, as recently done during the flood that hit Emilia Romagna.

Abderrahim Ben Rhouma , born in 2010, resident in Cesena (FC). Awarded for his solidarity and commitment following the flood that hit Emilia Romagna. For the exemplary civic sense with which he provided assistance to his community, to the land and to the people who welcomed him when he arrived in Italy from Tunisia with his family.

Guido Betti , born in 2005, resident in Ravenna. Chosen for the energy and innovative vision with which he contributed to the creation of an IT platform, which made it possible to organize more than 6 thousand volunteers in rescue operations for the population affected by the flood in Emilia Romagna. With great energy, competence and innovative vision Guido has provided an important contribution to the development and management of the CommunitySos IT platform.

Marta Camerlo , born in 2009, resident in Rivarolo Canavese (TO). For the tenacity with which she faced the illness that struck her as a child and from which she emerged strengthened. Her voluntary work towards those most in need is testimony to how suffering can be transformed into acceptance and commitment to life.

Francesco Colasanti , born in 2005, resident in Pofi (FR). Awarded for his voluntary commitment to promoting and enhancing the local cultural and archaeological heritage. His passion for technology, together with his strong sensitivity, allowed him to create 3D reproductions for visually impaired people using materials with low environmental impact.

Caterina Contento , born in 2005, resident in Montevecchia (LC). Chosen for the determination and driving force with which she engages as a volunteer in numerous activities to protect the environment. His research on the ecological impact of overbuilding has been crucial in raising awareness among many of his peers on the issues of sustainable development.

Giulia Di Cairano , born in 2006, resident in Calitri (AV). They were struck by the maturity and competence with which he put his passion for writing at the service of major social issues. The unconditional love for his land is reflected in the choice to review texts by Irpinia authors, stories and testimonies of the difficulties and beauty of life in the internal areas.

Valeria Frasca , born in 2006, resident in Forlì. Awarded for the solidarity and commitment demonstrated in the phases immediately following the disastrous flood that hit her city: Forlì. From the day immediately following the tragic flood that hit the city of Forlì and Romagna, Valeria showed up at the volunteer collection point set up by the neighborhood committee and served for many days thereafter.

Letizia Galletti , born in 2004, resident in Lugo (RA). He brought relief with his music to many people forced to abandon their homes following the recent flood in Emilia Romagna, during the days following the overflowing of the rivers, at the Palabanca in Lugo di Romagna.

Sofia Gentile , born in 2005, resident in Vittoria (RG). The girl was able to convey the importance of the culture of legality through music. The singing in unison of the voices of its choir has become an instrument of social cohesion.

Sebastiano Guazzeroni , born in 2015, resident in Paciano (PG). Awarded for the courage shown, despite his very young age, in the face of the illness reported by his father. Thanks to the promptness with which he faced the emergency, he managed to prevent a walk in the woods from ending in tragedy.

Irene Marabini , born in 2014, resident in Loreto (AN). With a spirit of welcome and spontaneity of gestures he helped a Ukrainian of his age fleeing the war to settle into our country. Irene is a little girl who welcomed with great friendship and generosity a new Ukrainian classmate, who fled the war and was a guest, together with her mother, at a facility in Loreto.

Nicole Minardi , born in 2010, resident in Parma. With tenacity he faces the Pan-Pandas syndrome, still little known. From his difficulties and suffering he also drew the strength to devote himself energetically to spreading knowledge of the pathology and promoting its recognition among rare diseases.

Ginevra Minetti , born in 2007, resident in Montemurlo (PO). For the enthusiasm and generosity with which she volunteers. During the recent flood in Prato she took part in the search for some missing people and dedicated herself tirelessly to welcoming the many displaced people to whom she never failed to give a reassuring smile.

Filippo Mutta , born in 2006, resident in Marano Vicentino (VI). He was able to combine passion for science and high civic sense, creating an operating system that offers greater defense against cyber attacks and making it available to the community free of charge. Although very young, Filippo has already distinguished himself in technological research. In fact, he created a new operating system, called MicroKosm, with which he managed to bring Italy to the podium in a European contest.

Elisa Palombo , born in 2010, resident in Torchiarolo (BR). Awarded for having given voice, through his pen, to a young victim of the mafia: a young woman killed for having had the courage to distance herself from criminal environments, breaking the logic of silence and intimidation. Elisa gave Marcella a voice again, making this young woman's story known and indicating her as a witness to a redemption that is always possible, both for individuals and for communities.

Giovanni Prestinice , born in 2010, resident in Crotone. For the determination with which he commits himself as a volunteer to defend the rights of migrants. After the tragic shipwreck of Cutro he did his utmost to make the history of the victims known, restoring their dignity and counteracting the indifference of many. Giovanni, a Save the Children volunteer, is committed to the issue of migration and was very active in the dramatic days that followed the tragic shipwreck on the coast of Cutro in February 2023.

Adele Ricci , born in 2011, resident in Ameglia (SP). With kindness and spontaneity he dedicates himself to a companion in difficulty. His commitment constitutes an example: the goal of a more inclusive society can also be achieved through the simplicity of small silent gestures.

Matteo Ridolfi , born in 2010, resident in Colognola ai Colli (VR). For the promptness with which he performed cardiac massage on a man who was taken ill, thus saving his life. A courageous action, which is based on a value of solidarity, that is, on the importance of not looking the other way when someone is in difficulty.

Fatima Sadkaoui , born in 2009, resident in Torrebelvicino (VI). He provided support to a classmate from Senegal. Her activity as a cultural mediator favored the boy's integration within the class. Fatima is a girl of Tunisian origins, born in Italy, who has always been particularly sensitive to the integration difficulties encountered by other children from emigrant families.

Lorenzo Sassaro , born in 2006, resident in Valdagno (VI). For the commitment and methodological rigor used in astronomical research, which allowed him to discover a new star. His example can help other young students cultivate a passion for science and research. The great passion for astronomical sciences led Lorenzo to discover, at just 16 years old, a variable star, that is, a star which, due to physical causes, varies its brightness over time.

Alfonso Stigliani , born in 2005, resident in Matera. With maturity and depth he told himself in an autobiographical book. Being able to ask for help when you are in difficulty is a great generational theme: discussing it can also be useful to many peers who experience moments of discomfort.

Emanuela Tessitore , born in 2005, resident in Succivo (CE). For the commitment and generosity with which she made herself available to the school community in the most difficult months of the pandemic. The character with which she supported the most needy classmates made her a source of inspiration for many peers. Emanuela is an always available girl, who infects everyone around her with her altruism.

Damiano Toniolo , born in 2008, resident in Villa del Conte (PD). For the genuine passion with which he looks after his chickens, from which he drew inspiration to write a book, the proceeds of which were donated entirely to charity. Damiano, forced by the pandemic to stay at home during the long period of isolation, used his time to write an autobiographical book in which he talks about his immense passion for hens, from the first hen he won at a village peach to the creation of his little farm.

Michele Vigilante , born in 2006, resident in San Marco in Lamis (FG). He is committed to promoting the social value of reading. As a volunteer you spend not only among your peers, but also among older people, offering them moments of serenity, sharing and reflection. Michele is a boy who firmly believes in the importance of culture as a tool for meeting people.

Matteo Violani , born in 2006, resident in Faenza (RA). For his volunteer service during the flood that hit his city. His commitment constitutes an example of active citizenship and symbolizes the resilience of an entire community. Matteo is one of the many young volunteers from Romagna who made himself available to the community after the violent flood that devastated his city and his region.

Matteo Zago , born in 2015, resident in Bolzano. For the promptness with which, at just eight years old, he managed to stop a moving vehicle that risked crashing due to the illness that struck his father while he was driving. Matteo was alone in the car with his father who suddenly lost consciousness due to an illness. Without being paralyzed by fear, the child, despite his very young age, undid his seatbelt, moved his father's leg from the accelerator, pressed the brake pedal and managed to stop the car.

Class 5A primary school - Trasacco comprehensive institute (AQ) Awarded for the strength of their friendship. The very young students of the Trasacco comprehensive institute (province of L'Aquila) were on a school visit to Rome when they decided to interrupt the trip to the capital out of solidarity with one of their classmates. Due to a fault in the platform of the bus, used to allow wheelchair users to get off, their companion would not have been able to participate in the planned visit to the city. After several failed repair attempts, the nine-year-old boys were asked to walk through the streets of the center anyway, as expected. But solidarity and friendship prevailed over everything else: the children refused to go down without their friend.

Classes 5AS, 5BS, 5AC - Antonio Segni scientific and classical high school, Ozieri (SS) For their testimony of solidarity During the Christmas holidays they volunteered at the Caritas canteen in Sassari and at the Octagonal Cross in Ozieri. They are the students of the 5AS and 5BS classes of the Scientific High School and of the 5AC class of the Classical High School of the "Antonio Segni" Higher Education Institute of Ozieri, who transformed their discussions on the necessary civil solidarity into a concrete commitment in favor of those who experience situations of economic, psychological and social hardship. This testimony of their service then became a driving force: other peers felt involved and offered their availability as volunteers, acting as spokespersons for the importance of solidarity as a driver of social growth.

Class 2C "F. Matteucci" School - Montalcini Comprehensive Institute, Campi Bisenzio (FI) For civil commitment in the emergency. They cleaned up the school premises, invaded by water and mud, with dedication and commitment. When the flood hit their territory in Tuscany hard, the students of class 2C of the "F. Matteucci" secondary school did not hesitate, like many other children, to do their part to revive their community and places of daily life. On that occasion the boys worked with a great sense of responsibility and solidarity. In difficulty they supported each other, and not only in the school premises: many in fact hosted classmates at home who were forced to abandon their homes because they were flooded.


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