His name was Luca Furcas and he was 37 years old, the medical resident from Cagliari who was hit and killed yesterday in Rome by a BMW as soon as he left Villa Borghese, where he had gone for a run.

The man, from Cagliari, was a graduate student at Sapienza University. The rector of the Roman University, Antonella Polimeni, wrote a message of condolence : «I express my deepest condolences and that of the entire Sapienza Community for the painful passing of Luca Furcas, our student specializing in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. We are close to Luca's family, loved ones, colleagues."

The trail of blood tens of meters long bears witness to the violence of the impact, which occurred yesterday evening in Via della Pinciana . Furcas was thrown into the air and ended up on the ground, he was already dead when rescuers arrived. He had no documents with him, only his cell phone, through which the local police officers traced his identity. Then the dramatic call to the family members in Sardinia, who today arrived in the capital for official recognition .

At the wheel of the SUV that hit him was a 26-year-old Romanian man, who was taken to the Umberto I Polyclinic where he tested positive for alcohol . The young man stopped to help and was reported for vehicular homicide. The rented car was certainly traveling more than the 30 km per hour allowed on that stretch, perhaps much more .

To reconstruct the exact dynamics, various testimonies and images from cameras in the area are being examined. It is unclear whether the victim was crossing the road at the time or running along the edge.


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