Ten human traffickers (6 of Cameroonian nationality and 4 Afghans) were arrested by the State Police in Milan as part of an investigation focused on foreign citizens belonging to two distinct criminal associations aimed at aiding illegal immigration.

The investigators documented the activity of some individuals present in the Milanese territory who had specialized in the transfer of migrants coming, in particular, from the central area of Africa or Afghanistan and headed above all to France and other French-speaking countries, bypassing the current rules on the mobility of foreigners.

As many as 29 trips reconstructed in detail from which the great care with which everything was organized emerged: from receiving requests from migrants, to travel, to crossing the border.

The apartments to rent were then identified in which to place the illegal immigrants waiting for their departure and valid identity documents for expatriation were recovered. The profit was around 500 euros for each crossing over the border.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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