"I'm selling it because I have to pay for my wedding." This is the incredible justification of a 24-year-old boy arrested by the police because he was found in possession of 22 kilos of hashish.

The discovery was made in Verano Brianza, near Monza.

The young man, already known to the police and in probation for crimes related to drug dealing, had been kept in sight for some time, after the military had noticed a strange coming and going in the house where he resides.

Then when the carabinieri broke in, they found little in the house, but instead found a trolley full of drugs, worth around 80 thousand euros, near the fence in the garden of the house.

At that point came the justification: "I have to get married but I have no money". The release of handcuffs and the transfer of the 24-year-old to the Monza prison are inevitable.


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