She did not slip out of bed, dying shortly after. Laura Pin, the 74-year-old from Fiume Vento (Pordenone) found lifeless last June 28, was not the victim of a tragic accident, as initially appeared and as claimed by her husband, Severino Sist, 75 years old. The man is under investigation for aggravated murder after the autopsy tests carried out by the medical examiner who, among other things, backdated the death by at least 24 hours compared to the moment the body was found. That is to say when the elderly man had alerted the social workers to check on the conditions of his wife, who had not responded since the previous evening and showed no signs of life.

According to the prosecutor's consultant, the head trauma, with a large cerebral hemorrhage, was not due to a fall but was attributable to beatings.

On the face and head of the woman - an invalid and confined to bed for some time - the autopsy highlighted hematomas and ecchymoses due to various impacts which would be compatible with injuries caused by blunt objects or blows inflicted with bare hands.

The husband's defense, however, is always the same: the wife had fallen out of bed a couple of weeks before her death, slipping again the day before the arrival of the social workers. In the past, Sist had been convicted of mistreatment of his wife and had been removed from the marital home by the judge: the woman's illness had favored the re-establishment of relationships and the man had returned to live at home.


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