Fictitious hiring in exchange for false documents and residence permits . To fall into the net woven by a personal services company of Chianciano Terme (Siena), many migrants willing to pay staggering fees - which came close to 50 thousand euros - in order to enter Italy.

Thus, according to what was ascertained by the Guardia di Finanza coordinated by the Siena prosecutor's office, from May 2021 to today the company would have hired 347 foreign carers , women and men, of whom only 58 were actually employed in work activities . Following the investigations, three people ended up under house arrest while 14 searches were carried out in recent days by the soldiers of the yellow flames in the provinces of Siena, Florence, Arezzo, Mantua, L'Aquila and Viterbo. A total of eight people are being investigated for aiding and abetting illegal immigration .

«The three people under house arrest - the promoter of the company and the two closest collaborators - had returned to Italy on February 28 and had a ticket for Tunisia on March 7. Their intent was to leave our country never to return. Hence the need for the execution of the precautionary measure due to the concrete danger of escape », explained the commander of the Gdf of Siena, Antonio Marra . And it is precisely from Tunisia that most of the fake carers came. Also in the North African country, a current account had been opened into which the money paid by the migrants was transferred . "The investigation was complex and was conducted with interceptions and shadows," underlined the Siena prosecutor, Nicola Marini. Interpol is also involved in the investigation.


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