Maria Del Savio Bonaudo, former chief prosecutor of Aosta, died in Turin at the age of 76.

In her career she had spent several years in Sardinia , and had been a prosecutor of Lanusei , where she had dealt, among others, with the case of Maria Ausilia Piroddi , the unionist sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of the unionist Franco Pintus and the forestry worker Pier Paolo Demurtas . The woman, killed in 2011 by a tumor while under house arrest in Bari Sardo, was nicknamed " the black rose of Ogliastra".

Del Savio Bonaudo was also known for following the crime of Cogne , where on January 30, 2002 little Samuele Lorenzi died following - established justice - to the aggression by his mother, Anna Maria Franzoni: "I am and remain convinced that he is guilty. Not because she was sentenced in all levels of trial, but because there was evidence ", was the comment of the magistrate.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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