After 5 years and 10 months Roberto Formigoni's debt to justice ends today. The former governor of the Lombardy Region has served his sentence for corruption for the Maugeri-San Raffaele affair.

Although the feeling of having suffered "an injustice" remains, now "I am happy and my health is also very good" he tells ANSA.

After 5 months in Bollate prison, Formigoni had first obtained house arrest and then probationary assignment to social services in October 2022 with voluntary activities, i.e. Italian courses for the foreign nuns who look after the elderly at the Piccolo Institute Cottolengo-Don Orione of Milan.

Now the Supervisory Court of Milan will have to formally declare the extinction of the sentence and to cancel the accessory penalties, such as the ban from public offices which does not allow a candidacy in the elections, Formigoni will then have to ask for rehabilitation.

Also because rumors continue to circulate of his candidacy in the next European elections in June: «I have a lot of time to decide» restrains Formigoni who has already had discussions with Forza Italia and Fratelli d'Italia. His playing field remains the centre-right: «I have always been a popular Catholic who finds himself in the values of the EPP - he explains - friends, old voters and party leaders are asking me to return but I have no urgency to decide and I won't neither by the end of the month nor by the end of the year."

Speeches postponed until 2023, also because «election campaigns now last a month. So I have at least until March to think about it. First - he comments - I will listen and I will also go to Rome to breathe the air of Parliament" and only then "will I examine the proposals and respond seriously".

But even without a candidacy in Europe Formigoni says he is ready to make his contribution: «Politics will interest me as long as I am active and I will continue to engage in different forms, perhaps by participating in conferences or events».


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