The president of the Movimento 5 Stelle Giuseppe Conte will not participate tomorrow in the state funeral of Silvio Berlusconi in the Milan Cathedral.

Instead, there will be the leaders of Italia Viva and Action Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda .

Remain on the front of the opposition, the leader of the Italian Left Nicola Fratoianni will not participate.

After a long reflection, the secretary of the Pd Elly Schlein decided to be there too.

The participation of Romano Prodi was expected, now in doubt after the former premier was struck by a very serious mourning, the death of his wife Flavia Franzoni. There will definitely be Mario Draghi . Paolo Gentiloni will represent the EU Commission.

From abroad, the arrival in Milan of the Hungarian premier Viktor Orban , the Emir of Qatar Tamir bin Hamad and the president of the EPP Manfred Weber have been announced.

The center-right will participate together with all the ministers of the Meloni government and many other personalities.


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