Food, milk, even water. Everything had a "strange taste" for Giulia Tramontano, the 29-year-old killed with dozens of stab wounds in the seventh month of pregnancy on May 27th by her partner and father of the child she was carrying, Alessandro Impagnatiello. The man, now in prison and accused of the murder, had been allegedly trying to poison her for some time with rat poison. Chiara Tramontano, Giulia's sister, tells it in a dramatic testimony, today in the courtroom at the trial in which Impagnatiello is accused. «Giulia said that everything she ate had an absurd taste, every food had a strange smell. He told my mother that the milk tasted strange the day after he opened it. He found a strange flavor in everything." The water, her sister often told her, smelled like "bleach" and she had constant stomach pains. "He drank a lot of herbal teas - added Chiara - but he didn't find relief." He can't even call Impagnatiello by name, Chiara Tramontano, always calling him the "defendant". Heard for a couple of hours - Impagnatiello, in the cage, almost always kept his head down - only for a few moments did his voice begin to crack. She managed to hold back the tears and told about Giulia's confidences, with whom the relationship was conflictual but sincere and of great affection.

«He discovered the betrayal thanks to the headphones»

Also in the courtroom were his parents and brother,   Chiara Tramontano retraced the months until the day she no longer heard Giulia's voice: from the beginning of that relationship "about which there was my disappointment", to when Giulia discovered Alessandro's betrayal (who was having an affair parallel with another woman) through headphones which, connected to the iPad, allowed her to geolocate him and discover that every day he went to a place where "there was a bar and some buildings where immigrants live". He first explained to her that it was for a cigarette break, then that there was a jewelry store where he wanted to give her a gift. Chiara remembered how alone Giulia was and the day she discovered she was pregnant. With him initially not wanting the baby only to then change his mind and reciprocate it again . He admitted having cheated on her but later recanted: no parallel relationship but "fear of becoming a father". She had decided to keep the little one and to end her relationship with Impagnatiello (already the father of a child born from the relationship, which ended, with a third woman) and raise him alone: «"Now I will take some time, I have to think no longer for myself alone because now there are two of us" - he repeated part of the phone call in front of the judges -. It was a story in which there were many doubts, many uncertainties, episodes suspended with a 'we'll talk about it later'. But she was in love...". Finally, in addition to the preparations to welcome the newborn, the story of last May when Giulia went to Naples without Impagnatiello. «I left her with her belly - Chiara stated - and I found her with a big belly. It was the last time we all ate together at home."

«For him the betrayals were Giulia's paranoia»

«He told her that she had lost her mind, that the betrayals were her paranoia, that she was crazy because she wanted to control him. He made her believe that she was crazy that she saw signs of betrayals, but those betrayals have always been there", Chiara Tramontano said again. The witness then told, answering the questions of the prosecutor Alessia Menegazzo, about the phone call she received on May 28 from Allegra, the other woman with whom Impagnatiello had a parallel relationship. The day before the two young people had seen each other and had clarified: they were both engaged to the same person. A few hours after that meeting Giulia was murdered. Chiara, still unaware of everything, was in Boccadasse and received a message in which a girl told her that she was «Impagnatiello's girlfriend and also that she had been pregnant and that she had terminated the pregnancy and that she knew that my sister was pregnant. Then he asked me if I had heard from Giulia and if I thought she might have suicidal intentions." « I think it was one of the few moments when I called the defendant and told him that I knew about Allegra. He was furious and told me to mind my own business." Giulia, as mentioned, was already dead. Impagnatiello, who had reported her disappearance, collapsed in front of the investigators a few days later, admitting that he had killed her and taking them to where her body was, in an abandoned area of Senago.

"We have to accept the pain"

«Now we are strengthening ourselves, we are more united than before, there will be no more occasions to celebrate, we must accept that we will have to go to work and to the cemetery. Work and cemetery. We must accept the pain, the loss and the anger", Chiara said again, in the courtroom, with a moved and emotional voice: "We would just like to cry and give up, but we can't, we can't for them, for our parents".


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