A group of intellectuals and religious appeals to the Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, accompanied by a collection of signatures, so that " a gesture of humanity and courage " is expressed towards Alfredo Cospito , sentenced to 20 years in prison and now to 41 bis to the Sassari prison of Bancali for having promoted the informal anarchist federation (Fai) and for some attacks. On hunger strike for 80 days, "he is one step away from death", is the alarm. Since the beginning of the protest he has lost 35 kilos and has suffered an alarming drop in potassium, which is necessary for the functioning of the heart.

For now, there are about forty signatures, but the collection of subscriptions continues. And there are many weight names at the bottom of the document. Alongside the president emeritus of the Constitutional Court and former Minister of Justice Giovanni Maria Flick , there are Gherardo Colombo , leading magistrate of the Milan prosecutor's office at the time of Mani Pulite and today president of Garzanti Libri, the philosopher of law Luigi Ferrajoli, the president of the Union of Penal Chambers Giandomenico Caiazza and many retired magistrates such as the former Pg of Florence Beniamino Deidda, Domenico Gallo, Nello Rossi, Livio Pepino, now president of Volere la Luna and editorial director of Edizioni Gruppo Abele, and Franco Ippolito , currently president of the Basso Foundation.

Among the intellectuals are the philosopher Massimo Cacciari and the actor, musician and writer Moni Ovadia. While among the religious, Don Luigi Ciotti , founder of Libera, and Father Alex Zanotelli , a Comboni missionary.

Cospito, to the Surveillance Court of Rome which confirmed the 41 bis, declared that he will continue the hunger strike "until his last breath".

"A dramatic existential choice - write the signatories of the appeal - which challenges everyone's consciences and intelligences", and which cannot be considered blackmail unless it "betrays our Constitution which places at the top of the values, whose protection the State, human life and the dignity of the person are in charge".

Today, they conclude, "the urgency is to save a life and not to make oneself co-responsible, even with silence, for an avoidable death".


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