The anomalous heat is still the protagonist of these days after a brief and sudden temperature collapse and strong thunderstorms in the North.

In the next few hours, confirms Andrea Garbinato of, there will be the presence of a robust anticyclone with thermal values that will rise by up to 10/12°C compared to yesterday.

This quarter was the warmest since the beginning of measurements (1816) with a positive anomaly of 2.04 degrees above the 1991-2020 average, a value also caused by the very hot February, more than 3 degrees above average. As regards the March just ended, the anomaly was +1.42 degrees, the sixth warmest since the beginning of measurements. A confirmation that next weekend's 30°C in the North will not be an exception, but the rule of ongoing climate change.

In these days, local rainfall is expected near the central Apennines towards Lazio and Campania, with some moments of residual instability in Lower Piedmont and Sardinia. Afterwards it will be "AprilJune" again with the month of April 2024 which will seem like June: lots of sun and almost summer even this weekend for the joy and satisfaction of holidaymakers and Italian tourism.

On Friday, maximum temperatures will reach 28°C in Caserta, Taranto and Terni (a decidedly anomalous value for April 12th), 27 degrees also in Florence and Benevento. On Saturday the highs will rise again: in Agrigento, Caserta, Florence and Taranto almost 30 (29°C in the shade), in Sardinia we will have 28 degrees spread across the internal areas of the island with some higher peaks, also noteworthy are the 28 degrees of Trento and Ferrara's 27°C, like in June.

The peak of the "North African spring" heat will be reached on Sunday when the skies will become overcast in the afternoon on the Major Islands; Nonetheless, the mercury will locally exceed 30 degrees between Sardinia and Sicily, we will also have the same number in the Alpine valley bottoms and in the middle Adriatic as well as in Foggia, Forlì and Taranto with Ferrara at 29 together with Terni, Matera and Ascoli Piceno.


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