A 34-year-old 118-year-old nurse reported being raped by a colleague, an ambulance driver, and forced "by force, onto a cot" in the health station to undergo sexual intercourse.

The facts date back to one of the last nights of February in a location in the Val d'Agri, in the province of Potenza. In execution of a precautionary custody order in prison issued by the investigating judge of the Lucanian capital, the Carabinieri arrested a 46-year-old on charges of aggravated sexual violence.

According to what was reconstructed by the investigators - who after the complaint collected "serious indications of guilt" by listening to different people and analyzing the contents of various phones and computers - the man initially harassed the woman heavily and then raped her. Then he would have ordered his colleague not to tell anyone what had happened.

The executives of the FP CGIL of Potenza said they were "shocked" by the incident: "It is unacceptable that a woman should be subjected to harassment and violence and it is unacceptable that this happens in the workplace by a colleague".

The union then asked the Potenza health care company "to provide for a stringent system of controls, especially in those areas, such as 118 and continuity of assistance which, by providing night shifts in 'isolation' situations, make it objectively more dangerous performance of one's work also by potential external aggressors ". And for the CISL FP, "this episode denounces the urgent need to focus on the issue of gender relations inside and outside the workplace. Too often women are the object of unsolicited attention and sometimes such attention degenerates into harassment and acts of violence. For this reason it is necessary to invest more in the prevention of such phenomena by strengthening listening services. The fight against all forms of gender-based violence, from verbal to physical - concluded the trade union representatives - requires a collective effort that must first of all to be of a cultural nature ".

(Unioneonline / D)

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