bambini scomparsi

epaselect epa04998473 A migrant child looks through a fence at the Slovenian-Austrian border in Spielfeld, Austria, 27 October 2015. Europe is contending with its largest population movement since World War II, with almost 700,000 migrants and asylum seekers arriving by sea this year - many of them from war-torn Syria. Tens of thousands have been crossing the western Balkans to make their way from Turkey to wealthy northern European countries such as Germany and Sweden. The nations along the migratory route have largely passed on people with little coordination, leading to recriminations and tensions between neighbours. EPA/ERWIN SCHERIAU
epaselect epa04998473 A migrant child looks through a fence at the Slovenian-Austrian border in Spielfeld, Austria, 27 October 2015. Europe is contending with its largest population movement since World War II, with almost 700,000 migrants and asylum seekers arriving by sea this year - many of them from war-torn Syria. Tens of thousands have been crossing the western Balkans to make their way from Turkey to wealthy northern European countries such as Germany and Sweden. The nations along the migratory route have largely passed on people with little coordination, leading to recriminations and tensions between neighbours. EPA/ERWIN SCHERIAU
i dati

Minori scomparsi, in Sardegna 138 denunce in un anno

Il 25 maggio è la giornata di sensibilizzazione sui bambini e i ragazzi che “spariscono”. Nell’Isola circa la metà degli allarmi riguardano under 18
Le foto di ANSA/MISSINGKIDS.COM con alcuni degli oltre 15mila bambini scomparsi in Italia
Le foto di ANSA/MISSINGKIDS.COM con alcuni degli oltre 15mila bambini scomparsi in Italia
Il dolore delle famiglie

Giornata internazionale dei bambini scomparsi

Il presidente di Penelope Italia, avv. Nicodemo Gentile: “Quando scompare un minore bisogna attivare immediatamente le ricerche. Senza perdere tempo”