Artificial intelligence also lands on the radio . With an experiment conducted by Portland, Oregon-based station KBFF Live 95.5 FM which launched the first broadcast without humans conducting .

Thanks to a software by Futuri Media, RadioGPT, a synthetic version of the presenter Ashley Elzinga was generated.

The owner company, Alpha Media, has already declared that the speaker will not be fired and her salary will not change, specifying that the future usefulness of this experiment could, however, make the broadcaster "more agile than ever" , showing content creators «on more occasions, more frequently, taking care of more timely information».

On Tuesday 13 June, Live 95.5 presented the new presenter on Twitter: in the video, the "real" version of Ashley Elzinga introducing her synthetic counterpart. "I guess I have the day off," the DJ joked.

In another attached video, the artificial speaker congratulates a radio listener for winning tickets to a Taylor Swift concert. Surprising how the voice created by the artificial intelligence converses with ease and with an incredible resemblance to the conductor on which it is modeled.

The concern of many local DJs was immediate, who spoke of "total lack of respect for the radio profession".

Artificial intelligences , as already highlighted by numerous studies, could replace millions of jobs by 2030 . According to an estimate by the consulting firm McKinsey, the exact figure could be between 400 and 800 million.



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