When there are two days left before the first round of the French presidential elections , the clash between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, the two more than likely challengers in view of a ballot that appears practically obvious, starts.

The President, in trouble according to the polls, raises the bar and declares that the leader of the Rassemblement National "depends financially on Putin", is "compliant" with Russia and has a "brutal, racist, full of social lies because does not think about funding ".

“When he proposes to lower VAT everywhere and freeze prices without knowing how he thinks he can do it, he lies to people. Because if one decides such a thing, he sends us in the red ”.

Le Pen replies by speaking of a "very aggressive" Macron, which in his opinion reveals "a certain amount of nervousness". "I find him aggressive in his postures, in his extremely offensive sentences", counterattacks the far-right leader.

THE ELECTIONS - First round on 10 April, but the president will almost certainly be decided in the ballot on the 24th, given that there are 12 challengers and 50% +1 of the votes must be obtained to immediately conquer the Elysée.

In addition to the outgoing president, leader of En Marche, and Le Pen, there are ten other candidates. Eric Zemmour of Reconquete (far right), Jean-Luc Melenchon de La France Insoumise (radical left), Valérie Pécresse dei Repubblicani (center right), Yannick Jadot of Europe Ecologie (center left), Anne Hidalgo for the Socialist Party (center left), Nicolas Dupont-Aignan of Debout La France (right), Fabien Roussel of the Communist Party, Philippe Poutou of Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (far left), centrist Jean Lassalle of Resistons and Nathalie Arthaud of Lutte Ouvriere (far left).

A very heterogeneous political panorama, the votes of the undecided and the similarities fundamental to the ballot.

(Unioneonline / L)

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