The raids in favor of Alfredo Cospito continue, the prisoner who has been on hunger strike for over four months to protest against the 41 bis regime in which he is confined.

According to sources at the Farnesina, yesterday a firecracker was set off in front of the Italian consulate in New York by eight people with covered faces who for a few minutes displayed two banners on the sides of the building with writings in support of the anarchist movement and Cospito.

The explosion of the firecracker did not cause any damage to people or things.

In the meantime, the anarchist's health conditions are worsening, as the consultant doctor told Alfredo Cospito's lawyers: «For over four months to date, he has weighed 67.9 kilos. The mood remains good, he has a determined attitude even if he has the concern of causing irreversible damage. He has problems with his foot and this makes it difficult for him to walk».

Yesterday by video link from the Milan prison, where he is at 41bis, with the hearing of the Court of Review of Perugia, Cospito read a long memorial to reiterate that he does not want to become a martyr but that his is a battle "against the repression of the freedom" .

Position expressed before the judges who must rule on the request to cancel the precautionary measures against him and five other suspects, for various reasons, for incitement to commit a crime , also aggravated by the purposes of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order in relation to some articles published in the journal Vetriolo.

Instance on which the college reserved the right to decide. None of those involved in the proceedings are currently being held on charges brought by the Prosecutor of Perugia but the review hearing was held in the courtroom inside the Capanne prison for security reasons. Outside, in fact, a small group of anarchists demonstrated in support of Cospito, who returned to prison from the hospital to connect with Perugia by videoconference.

"Fuori Alfredo dal 41 bis" was written on one of the banners on display; "With the pen, with the thought, with the action. Freedom for the comrades" read another. The Capanne prison area was controlled by an impressive security service and the morning of protests ended without incident.


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